The B-Movie Film Vault

Hobgoblin tested, Rick Sloane approved! Reveling in b-cinema since June 6, 2000!


5 Stephen King Books That Became Great Movies – A guest contribution from blogger Cassie Phillips, that looks at five Stephen King novels that were adapted into five awesome films!

5 Video Games That Should Become Movies – With Spielberg’s nostalgia-fueled READY PLAYER ONE on the horizon, The Vault Master came up with this eclectic list of five video games that should be adapted into feature films!

Bear Essentials: Twelve Films Featuring Maulers and Man-Eaters – To celebrate the theatrical release of COCAINE BEAR, I put together this list of a dozen films featuring temperamental bears that have a hankering for human flesh!

The “IT” List – The critically acclaimed film IT FOLLOWS has just hit theaters, and has inspired this list of ten films that all contain “IT” in their titles!

Murder Goalies: 7 Hockey-Masked Madmen (That Aren’t Jason Voorhees) – A quick list I typed up in honor of 2016’s single Friday the 13th! Discover seven psychopaths from film, television, comics, and video games, that donned a hockey mask!

Season’s Bleedings: Vault Master’s Holiday Horror Recommendations – If you’re the type that celebrates the holidays by watching Horror films, then this list if for you! Here are fourteen movies featuring killer Santas, murderous snowmen, and legendary creatures that you should watch as December 25th draws near!

Shark-bytes: A brief overview of JAWS in the gaming industry – I take a quick look at all the games that resulted from the mass marketing of JAWS and its sequels! I think you’ll be surprised at how many there actually are!

Top 10 Scenes from the Mad Max Trilogy – In this top ten list, guest contributor Bill Zeiders shares what he considers to be the ten best (and most defining) moments in George Miller’s classic post-apocalyptic trilogy!

Vault Master Ranks…. The Friday the 13th Movies – It’s 2015, and there are a whopping three Friday the 13ths on the calendar this year! To celebrate, I worked my way through all (currently) twelve films that make up the FRIDAY THE 13TH franchise, and ranked them from worst to best!

Vault Master’s Top Ten Godzilla Soundtracks – I listen to a lot of Godzilla music on a daily basis, and decided to share my personal list of favorites with you. Though Akira Ifukube makes up half the list, he didn’t get the number one spot! Check out this top ten list to see which kaiju composer gained that honor!

Vault Master’s Top Ten Horror Movie Theme Songs – I’ve been listening to a ton of Horror soundtracks recently to get myself into the Halloween spirit, which resulted in the creation of this list. Scope this top ten list out now, to see if any of your favorite Horror movie theme songs made the cut!

Vault Master’s Top Ten “Killer” Cinematic Gifts for Your Arch-Nemesis! – This list is my contribution to Shit Movie Fest’s 2013 edition of “25 Days of Shitmas!” I chose ten things from the realm of cinema that would be great gifts for wreaking terrible vengeance upon the people you despise the most in this world. Check it out and see what made the cut!

Vault Master’s Top Ten Ray Harryhausen Creations – I count down my top ten favorite creations of the late and great stop-motion magician, Ray Harryhausen!

Vault Master’s Top Ten “Real Ghostbusters” Episodes – With a new Ghostbusters movie in theaters, I began waxing nostalgic about the animated adventures of Egon, Ray, Peter, and Winston. This list covers, what I consider to be, the ten best episodes that this awesome cartoon had to offer!

Vault Master’s Top Twenty MST3K Episodes – I share my top ten favorite Joel Hodgson, and top ten Michael J. Nelson episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000!