The B-Movie Film Vault

Hobgoblin tested, Rick Sloane approved! Reveling in b-cinema since June 6, 2000!



88 Films
This UK-based boutique label dabbles in everything, from classic British Horror, to Asian Horror, Porn, and lots of martial arts epics! They’ve recently started breaking into the lucrative U.S. collector market, which is great news for those of you who aren’t region free! – The largest online retailer on Earth. If you’re searching for anything, this is a good place to start looking.

Arrow Video – This UK-based company has finally made it’s way to America! This premiere distribution label puts tons of effort into every release, and has delivered great deluxe special editions of much-requested cult titles like THE MUTILATOR, SOCIETY, and THE STUFF!

Blue  Underground – The official site of William Lustig’s Blue Underground distribution label. They focus on releasing classic cult and exploitation titles such as FIRE & ICE, DJANGO, THE FINAL COUNTDOWN, NEW YORK RIPPER, and more!

Bull Moose – Located in Maine, the Bull Moose chain of stores is dedicated to selling movies, music, books, and video games! Their prices are fairly competitive with the likes of Amazon, and they have a customer rewards program that allows you to build up points you can use towards discounts on future purchases. And as an added bonus, they do free shipping on all orders of $30 or more!

Cavity Colors – I’m a HUGE fan of this horror apparel company! They have an incredible array of officially-licensed merchandise (mainly tees and hoodies) for Godzilla, JAWS, 80s Horror franchises, the classic Universal Monsters, and just about everything in between! The artwork is always top-notch and the quality of the clothing is fantastic! These guys definitely come highly-recommended from yours truly!

Cauldron Films – A newer boutique label that is putting out quality Blu-ray and 4K editions restorations of cult, horror, and obscure films! Just that fact that they brought RATMAN to Blu-ray fills me with joy and hopes that they make it as a company!

The Criterion Collection – This well-established label releases definitive editions of “important classic and contemporary cinema.” Their editions of the original GOJIRA, VIDEODROME, FIEND WITHOUT A FACE, and THE BLOB are to die for!

Diabolik DVD – A reliable online store that carries tons of Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Cult, and Exploitation films on DVD and Blu-ray! If you’re in the market for certain releases that you cannot get stateside, they are a great resource to check out!

Error 4444 – A newer boutique label that’s just getting their feet under then, Error 4444 specializes in Asian exploitation cinema! If movies with titles like FATAL TERMINATION, CENTIPEDE HORROR, THRILLING BLOODY SWORD, and SCISSOR PENIS get your blood pumping, then this label is for you!

FRIGHT-RAGS – One of my absolute favorite companies when it comes to Horror tees and hoodies! The artwork on their shirts is to die for, and their customer service is second to none! Plus they’ve branched out and now release tons of exclusive Horror apparel like board games, novels, action figures, hats, and more!

Full Moon Direct – Buy DVDs, Blu-rays, t-shirts, posters, full-size replicas, and more of all your favorite Full Moon films and characters, like THE GINGERDEAD MAN, and THE PUPPET MASTER series.

Grindhouse Releasing – The brainchild of Bob Murawski and the late Sage Stallone. These guys have done beautiful restorations on films like Lucio Fulci’s THE BEYOND and Ruggero Deodato’s CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, and their deluxe Blu-ray editions of various Horror and exploitation films have been astounding!

Grindhouse Video – Initially a brick-and-mortar store in Tampa, FL (and then Knoxville, TN), Grindhouse Video is now strictly an online venture. They carry pretty much everything (including lots of imports!), and constantly have all sorts of deals and offers running on many of your favorite boutique label titles! I haven’t tried them out yet myself, but I’ve heard good things!

Gutter Garbs – Another amazing resource for high quality Horror merchandise! Along with t-shirts they have exclusive ceramic mugs, enamel pins, greeting cards, blankets, posters, & more! Between these guys, Fright-Rags, and Cavitycolors, it’s way too easy to spend a lot of money on horror swag!

Kino Lorber Studio Classics – These guys release it all: independent and foreign cinema, film noir boxed sets, horror, exploitation, and cult movies! I can’t prove it, but I honestly do believe that out of all of the major boutique labels, Kino currently has the largest film catalog! (Like maybe even bigger than MGM back when they were doing their Midnite Movie line!)

Mill Creek Entertainment – Originally just a bargain-basement company selling stacks of cheap DVDs & Blu-rays, Mill Creek has since upped their game significantly, producing some really cool releases of Japanese favorites (e.g. MOTHRA and ALL of the Ultrman series and movies!), family favorites (most of the ERNEST films), and tons of television shows (e.g. Quantum Leap)! Visit their online shop directly, HERE!

Mondo Macabro – These guys are purveyors of obscure and bizarre world cinema. Because of them, MYSTICS IN BALI, LADY TERMINATOR, LIZARD IN A WOMAN’S SKIN, and so many other insane exploitation films have been given a new lease on life on DVD and Blu-ray!

Powerhouse Films/Indicator – Another UK-based label that’s been invading the United States recently! While they release a wide spectrum of films on Blu-ray, they do have an excellent catalog of Hammer Horror favorites, Ray Harryhausen adventures, Film Noir classics, and mind-bending Mexican horror (e.g. various EL SANTO films, THE BRANIAC, et al.)! For those of you who can’t watch Region B titles, have no fear because you can shop their U.S. titles HERE!

Scream Factory – This Horror distribution label that has been doing some amazing work on their genre releases. From popular 80s slasher flicks, to creature features and forgotten gems, all have been given an awesome new lease on life! Though they’ve recently been focusing on 4K re-releases of their older catalog titles, and acquiring NEWER Horror favorites, I’m still very much appreciative of their efforts!

Second Sight Films – Hailing from the UK, these gents a wonderful catalog of films to choose from, and have done highly sought-after limited editions for movies like George A. Romero’s MARTIN and DAWN OF THE DEAD, the Rutger Hauer thriller THE HITCHER, Tobe Hooper’s classic THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, and other genre favorites! Their 4K restoration work is phenomenal, and their big box limited editions are beautifully bulky additions to any collection!

Severin Films – Founded in 2006, Severin has grown into a fairly big boutique label that specializes in exploitation cinema, and carries everything from Italian Horror, to post-apocalyptic cinema, to Russ Meyers’ classics! Though their releases can be a bit pricey, you typically get more bang for your buck with these guys! (e.g. Their one of the few labels to include soundtrack CDs with their limited editions!)

Shout! Studios – Formerly Shout! Factory, this company has become host to one of the largest film and television libraries in the world! They are also now the exclusive owners of MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 and the entirety of Roger Corman’s film library (plus many Shaw Bros. classics, and everything Monty Python!), so you have no choice but to worship them! Also their Shout Select line is pretty great too!

Synapse Films – Kickstarted in 1997, Synapse has long been a force to be reckoned with in the boutique Blu-ray business, and doing amazing restoration work on everything from Italian gialli (e.g. TENEBRAE and PHENOMENA) to the films of Frank Henenlotter (e.g. the BASKET CASE sequels and BAD BIOLOGY). Though prone to delays, their releases are all top-notch and well worth the wait!

Troma – The home of such colorful characters as THE TOXIC AVENGER and SGT. KABUKIMAN: NYPD! These guys are the oldest independent film studio in the world, and have a huge catalog of films to prove it! Peep out their online store HERE!

Umbrella Entertainment – Hailing from Australia, Umbrella has been doing a bang-up job releasing dozens of Horror and Exploitation titles to DVD & Blu-ray under their BEYOND GENRES and OZPLOITATION CLASSICS labels! And as an added bonus, most of their releases are Region Free! (Note: They are now one of Vinegar Syndrome’s sub-labels and have been releasing Region A titles through them!)

Unearthed Films – This boutique label offers up an eclectic mix of films, with a focus on extreme and controversial cinema from around the globe. And boy do they like to keep you on your toes! Not only have they released the notorious GUINEA PIG films, the controversial A SERBIAN FILM, both EVIL DEAD TRAP movies and various other shockers, but they’ve also released several sci-fi titles including GRAND TOUR, NO ESCAPE, and THE GUYVER!

VHSPS – The Video Home System Preservation Society focuses on conserving obscure, forgotten, and long out of print films that haven’t seen a legit release since their VHS debuts! VHSPS’ online catalog is a treasure trove, especially if you’re a horror fan, and at ten bucks a disc its hard to say no to titles like PIN, NIGHTFLYERS, ATTACK OF THE KILLER REFRIGERATOR, and hundreds of others! (Note: They do not do film restorations, but rather convert VHS tapes over to DVD-Rs, tracking issues and all! Very nostalgic!)

Vinegar Syndrome – This Blu-ray label revels in obscure and forgotten cinema as well as skin flicks from the 70s! Whether you’re looking for Bigfoot documentaries, Blaxploitation flicks, or classic pornos with a plot, Vinegar Syndrome, and their army of sub-labels, have got you covered!

Zavvi (US Site) – This UK-based company is a fantastic resource when you are trying to get your paws on Blu-ray & 4K UHD titles that aren’t being released stateside! They’ve proven to be fairly reliable, and their prices and shipping/customs prices aren’t too bad either!